Lord Peregrine

I grew up in suburban Los Angeles in a house that looked like a castle, next to a grove of old oaks. I hand crafted my first magic wand at the age of seven. While in college, I spent a year living in Scotland, where I began to relate to the land, sea and sky in a way that I never imagined. I also lived in France and traveled extensively throughout Europe—Britain and Scandinavia, in particular—where I enjoy visiting Christian and Pre-Christian sacred sites. I eventually earned graduate degrees in International Business and Western European Studies. I love language and languages: I speak Spanish and French and am conversant in Portuguese and Swedish.

After leaving the Catholic Church and after many years not following any particular spiritual path, I found the Craft (or it found me) while living in Atlanta. I was awakened to this path of beauty when I walked into a metaphysical book store and met a real witch who taught me what being a follower of the Path of the Wise was really about. This journey led me to meet my spiritual teachers, Lady Larina and Lord Gaelin, High Priestess and High Priest of the House of Ravenwood, who anchored me in the Ravenwood tradition and led me through the winding path of personal growth with loving, but firm guidance. Along the way, I found indispensable direction from my Elder High Priestess, the late Lady Sintana, founder of Ravenwood who, in the early days of Ravenwood, was a rescuer of falcons and birds of prey—a fact I learned well after taking the name “Peregrine.” Also along the way, I met my sage in my Elder High Priest, the late Lord Merlin, who offered me the utmost encouragement, clarity of insight, guidance and support, all of which are the hallmark of a solid magickal Tradition.

After several years of study and personal growth, I was initiated to the First Degree as a priest of the Old Religion in 2001 by Lady Larina. I was initiated to the Second Degree in 2003, qualifying me to teach classes in the Craft. At Ravenwood, I taught Protocol, Metaphysical Theory, Myth & Symbolism and Incense-making. I founded Sage Moon Grove on Beltane, 2007 in Encinitas, California. I was initiated to the Third Degree (Minister) in June, 2008.

In parallel to my studies in the Craft, I have been fortunate enough to count as my mentors and teachers the men of the Two-Spirited Tribe of Gay Spirit Visions. They have taught me how to weave healing and shamanism into my path and I honor them as my sages.

For the time being, I reside in London, England and have left the day-to-day operations to my initiates, while offering guidance from afar.